Check out those under-eye bags! I'm getting to the point where I'm embarrassed to show what I currently look like. Just when I think it can't get any worse...!
Anyway, our contests are finished and now we're coming up on the end of the Blog-A-Thon. I already can't wait until next year. We've done so much for Alley Cat Allies -- but I'll save all of that for my last post.
Aaron and the two kitties are already on their third nap! I forgive them. They've been huge helps in keeping me awake during this whole ordeal.
Great job, Lindsay!!! Together we're sending over $700 to ACA! Yay for speaking for those who have no voice!
Hope to see you next year, my friend of ferals! :)
You've done a great job tonight. Three more little posts and call it a wrap!
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