For those who don't know, every October 16th is National Feral Cat Day. Last year, we went out in full-force to care for neighborhood feral cats in memorial of Fonzie. I feel so lucky and grateful to have raised all of this money to benefit feral cats all over the country without it even being NFCD.
I'd like to address one other big feral cat misconception or concern. I hear it a lot: "Watch out. You could stumble upon a rabid cat." "I'm sure they're all sick, those feral cats." But the truth is feral cats contract diseases at the same low rate that indoor cats contract diseases. And even the most well-cared for cat can contract something in utero easily, as was the issue with our beautiful Hadley.
Many feral cat caretakers opt to vaccinate the feral cats upon releasing them back into their habitats. In this instance, these feral cats have more medical vaccinations on their side than most house cats.
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