Welcome to the blog for Feral, Not Homeless. My name is Lindsay and I'm blogging on behalf of Alley Cat Allies during the 2007 Blog-A-Thon. The Blog-A-Thon is scheduled for July 28th, 2007. In the mean time, in addition to supplying endless thanks for your support, I will do my best to answer any questions that may have arisen.
What Is A Blog-A-Thon?
The Blog-A-Thon is an annual event that takes place to raise money for charity. People can sign up by creating a blog (an online journal, so to speak) and choosing a charity to blog for. Friends, family members and other supporters pledge their donations. Once the Blog-A-Thon begins, the blogger updates their blog every half an hour for twenty-four hours straight. After the twenty-four hours, if the blogger makes it, an e-mail is sent to sponsors letting them know where to send the donation they pledged.
What Is Alley Cat Allies And Why Are You Blogging For Them?
Alley Cat Allies is a national non-profit organization that distributes information, care and resources towards feral cat care. Most people write off feral cats as nuisances, or get them confused with stray cats. But the truth is, feral cats are not homeless! They are unsocialized cats who are too feral to live indoors and have made their home outdoors. Alley Cat Allies works with Trap/Neuter/Return programs to sterilize these cats, stop the colonies from multiplying, and still give them the lives these beautiful creatures deserve. They dedicate their organization to providing nonlethal methods to reduce the population of outdoor cats, such as TNR. I am blogging for Alley Cat Allies as a tribute to our beloved Fonzie who is no longer with us.
Wait -- What Is TNR?
TNR stands for TRAP, NEUTER, RETURN. This is the most humane method towards controlling the population of feral cats. Volunteers trap the feral cats, bring them in to be neutered/spayed and return them to their natural and chosen homes. Your support towards Alley Cat Allies ensures that enough resources will be available to solely provide this nonlethal sterilization. Just remember: "Cats Nap. Only Humans Put Them To Sleep!"
Who Was Fonzie?
Arthur "Fonzie" Fonzarelli came to us one day. When it was hot, he'd get extra water. When it was cold, he'd get extra blankets. We fed him breakfast, lunch and dinner and he spent most of his time on our patio. Fonzie helped my fiance and I learn about feral cats and feral cat care. He was just as much a part of our family as our cats who lived indoors. Fonzie passed away in September of 2006 and we promised to never let ourselves forget the importance of feral cats. Since then, my fiance and I have been feral cat caretakers for feral cat colonies all over Orlando. Fonzie was beautiful, sweet and so special. He was the best gift Orlando could have given us.

Fonzie, too beautiful for this ugly world.
How Can I Sponsor Feral, Not Homeless?
You can pledge your donations by clicking here!
At the end of the Blog-A-Thon, you'll receive an e-mail from the Blog-A-Thon staff letting you know that I've finished, as well as the amount you pledged and how to donate said amount. Donations can be made to Alley Cat Allies via credit card online or through check/money order.
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